
Protect Your Data From Any Threat With Acronis

Cyber Protection & Back-up With Acronis

Acronis is a global leader that provides innovative data backup, endpoint protection, and disaster recovery solutions.

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Benefits of Acronis

Enhanced Protection

Safeguard data across physical, virtual, cloud and mobile environments.

Reliable Recovery

Fast and reliable recovery of your apps, systems and data on any device, from any incident.

Integrated AI

Built-in ML-based ransomware protection and blockchain notarization.

Market Reach

500,000 businesses and 5 million consumers are safe with Acronis.


Secure the access of your files, sync and share with Acronis solutions.

Flexible Architecture

Whether on premise, hybrid, or cloud, Acronis stretches its solutions to fit the needs of all organizations.

With BlueRidge IT, your organization will avail of:

Licensing support and flexibility
End-to-end implementation and testing
Technical support and maintenance before, during, and after your project
Feasibility assessment for organizations of all sizes
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Request a Quote, or a Free Consultation, & Discover How BlueRidge IT Can Help With:
Expert Consultation & Support
Cutting-Edge Cloud Technologies
End-to-End Digital Transformation
Exceptional Cost-Savings

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